A Tertúlia do Fado e... da Inquietação realizou um Concerto de apresentação pública do CD duplo FADO ORAÇÃO, na Igreja de S. Roque, em Lisboa, no dia 21 de Maio, de 2023, pelas 17 horas.
Com a Igreja competamente cheia foram apresentados parte dos temas, com o seguinte alinhamento:
Agnus Dei
Deus de Amor e Perdão
Bom Pastor
Cordeiro de Deus
Cântico de Louvor
Bom Pastor
Tempos de Fé Partilhada
Hino de Acção de Graças
Avé Maria
Cristo Antigo
Sentir Tua Presença é Graça Tanta
Oração Singela
A Minha Fé
Da parte de Coimbra ouviram-se as vozes de Fernando Coelho Rosa, Manuel Relvas e Rodrigo Lourenço; as guitarras de Nuno Cadete e António Sousa Mendes e a viola de Luís Martins.
Da parte de Lisboa cantaram Anabela Paixão, Carlos Albino, Hélder do Ó e Luísa Carvalhaes. Na guitarra portuguesa Luìs Ribeiro, na viola de fado Pedro Pinhal e na viola baixo Jaime Martins.
Mr. David Samuelson, the Global CEO of ISACA, delivered a speech entitled "the road of risk is full of thorns, clear goals go a long way" at the conference"For 50 years, ISACA has been committed to becoming a world-class learning organization, providing individuals and enterprises with the training, knowledge and resources they need to become leaders in their respective fields," he said. In the digital age, enterprises need to take various methods to eliminate risks, but this does not mean that enterprises should avoid all risks, because risks will also bring opportunities for enterprises. Therefore, risk should be managed, not eliminated. Risk management is to help enterprises accept risks, help enterprises expand their goals, and bring greater value to customers and stakeholders in the process. We believe that by focusing on objectives, the road to effective risk management will be clearer. " visit more